Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cam's 3rd Birthday!

Hard to believe our baby's already 3 years old! Hope all is well with you and thanks for your prayers and love! God bless!

We had a fun family + two "aunties" birthday party for Cameron.

In Answer to your question: No, Cam did NOT get out of his chair the entire game. That was his way of ensuring birthday victory. :)

THREE CANDLES ALREADY!! Grandma Mary, we did get a cake picture, I think! :)

A blog from our recordist.

Hi folks,
Much has happened, and God has been helping us through various trials. I was thinking about writing up all that has happened, but then Karen, the recordist, beat us to it! Here's a link to her blog, which describes a bit of what we've been through in the last week. God bless!

-Jared and Cheri

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


We just recorded the Crucifixion this morning. We have been focusing on Jesus' lines/part for the past week and a half. It has given me a new appreciation, love, and awe for Jesus Christ. I feel like I've been walking down the streets of Jerusalem with him, like I've been sitting on a hill listening to him, and like I was with him on the day he died. I felt the pain and hurt of the cross joy and excitement of his resurrection! What an awesome, amazing, gracious, wonderful God we serve!
The man who has been reading the part of Jesus, Dennis, has done an excellent job. Through nearly his entire part, I got to be his "prompter". As we walked done the road with Jesus together, a bond developed and a friendship deepened. Dennis went from a man I knew as an acquaintance/ brother in Christ, to a good friend who I enjoyed seeing each day. We worked well together, and part of me is sad that the Jesus part is now completely recorded.
Thank you to everyone who has been praying with us through this entire process. We have had many times where problems have come up, whether it has been the sound equipment, or the prompter/checker being sick, or the town mowing during recording time, or ... Your prayers have made a difference! Please continue to pray for us and this project as it continues. We still have 2-3 weeks of recording to go. Continue standing with us through prayer! Thank you so much!
God bless, Jared

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Recording Begins!!

The first step: building the sound booth for recording, using the materials available!
We used: four foam mattresses, a very large cardboard box, a carpet from the church, some rope, an old trapoline bar, and a stick we found in our yard. Can you find them all? :)

Step 2: RECORD! I prompted the readers, while Karen recorded. A couple of other folks were sitting outside the recording room, following the script in case a word was missed or not right. :)

This past week was filled with LOTS of people, and LOTS of work! Very good to get started, and very good to have a weekend to rest. :) Something that excites me about this project is it's one of the things we were hoping to do while serving here!
Margaret(our team leader), and Karen, the recordist, arrived here on Tuesday, and work began on Wednesday! It was quite an interesting start. We had asked the school for permission to use one of their "off-campus" buildings, and were able to set-up the sound booth in that room. (pictures to follow!) However, acquiring a key to that building was a bit of a challenge. We ended up borrowing the principal's key to open it up, and then returning it to her at the end of the day, locking all of the recording equipment safely in the building.
The next day, however, we learned that there was a meeting and the principal would be missing for the next two days. :( We only have Karen (the Recordist) with us for a limited time, and we had people coming our way for recording, and NO KEY to open the building. Prayer time! PS thank you all so much for your prayers for our family, our team, and this project, they are GREATLY appreciated!
By God's grace, Karen had an extra set of nearly everything, and we decided to set up the new recording booth inside the church. This seemed to work okay, with only small amounts of regret that we didn't have the other things Karen needed, specifically, speakers. I was the lucky one to play "go-fer" and God blessed us with a teacher who happened to have a key to the room! Praise the Lord! So we were able to get our things out of that building, and relocate completely to the church.

In the first day of "actual recording" we were able to finish all of the people who had come to record, though they aren't the only ones who will be recording! That was not expected, so another blessing counted!

Cheri isn't directly involved in recording/editing, but her role is EXTREMELY essential! On the first night of recording, she was expecting to cook for our family, our 2 guests, and two more (9). However, she was blessed to cook for 15 instead! She did great. She made pancakes, waffles, and bacon for everyone, and all ate until they were full. I have an excellent wife.

Something that made me laugh
was the indigenous ladies first impression of waffles! They had never had them before and they wondered how in the world they were cooked. We showed them the waffle iron(THANKS WHIT AND CLINT!!!), and they just looked at it, and asked how it worked. So we showed them. :) They liked the waffles.

A, B, and C: they have been really flexible with having all the people over at our house all week, and having 4 extra people sleeping in our house. All three of them are sleeping sideways on the Queen bed in Alice's room; it's nice that they are all short enough to fit! The first night was a little squirrelly, but then they got used to it and now don't have any problems.*usually :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Katherine Christian Convention Time! :)

Two of the Aboriginal leaders, praying in their native language. (very cool!)

Align CenterThe new "Flying Bible Man" is commissioned with his family.

Some of the crowd at the convention.(there were a bunch of people in the back of me, sitting under trees, or on blankets. Not everyone was sitting in the front!)

This past weekend was the Katherine Christian Convention. It was neat to see so many believers getting together to fellowship, and be taught from God's Word. They also had activities for the kids so Cheri and I could listen to the speaker.

One evening Bethany came to me after the teaching and said, "Daddy, Satan is evil. He steals, kills, eats before paying..." She's still learning. :) Something I really love about Bethany is her sweet personality. She loves to share, and she is very sensitive. She can be a handful, but she's very sweet.

It was really neat to see so many indigenous believers come for the convention, and to hear them pray in thier native languages was GREAT! There were several indigenous communities represented, and in the evening sessions, they had the opportunity to present a song or a dance to praise God. Very neat and very edifying to the Church as a whole.

The Flying Bible Man is a worker who flies into isolated/hard-to-reach-by-road communities all over Australia! The man who was in this role before him has been doing it for over 30 years. It was neat to see the baton passed, and to remember our commissioning services. It made me thankful for all the folks who are praying and giving to our ministry! We are blessed!!

And for those of you who have read to the very end of this post, here's a special pic for you! :)
Our kids crack me up. :D We love them so much!!