Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cujo's Chair.

About a week ago, we completed a "mini" discipleship course in a neighboring community about 4 hours drive from us along a dirt road. I learned a TON of things on this trip, and had some interesting interactions! But first, let me tell you about Cujo's Chair.

Our team was staying with a family (camping in their backyard) who was preparing for a funeral. Traditionally, when someone passes away you don't show pictures of them or say their name; it may bring back painful memories and make family mourn even more. The family members may have a name they use for that family member who died. In some communities I was told, there is a special name to use for someone who has the same name as the person who died. This is to help avoid causing more family sadness when they hear the name of their dearly departed.

So, I was especially listening for that "special name" to be used, though I couldn't remember what it was. The first morning I went in the house to take a shower, and while waiting to get in, I sat down in an old chair.
"Don't sit there! That's Cujo's chair. Here, sit in this chair over here." Now, my brain started thinking... "Who is Cujo? Is that the name they use for their Grandpa who just passed away? Would me sitting in his chair really upset them? I guess I won't sit there."
As I took my shower, I was thinking, "Who is Cujo? What are the traditions here?" When I was finished, I asked a girl if it was okay to sit in the chair, and she said the same thing, "That's Cujo's chair. You could sit in it, I guess, if you wanted to. But he might have gunna-ed in it. Our immune systems are strong, so we can handle it. But I don't know if yours is strong. Maybe you've got a strong immune system. You can sit there, if you want."
My next thought was, "OH! That poor old man must have been very sick--he couldn't control his bodily functions, and went in that chair!" But I wasn't satisfied with my answer yet, and so I decided to ask the owner's wife about it.
"Oh, you can sit in that chair, but Cujo sits in that chair, too. It's probably dirty. Sometimes my husband sits in that chair. It would be okay if you want to sit there." So I asked the inevitable question.
"Who's Cujo?"
"Im blanga mibala dog."
WHAT? "HE IS OUR DOG."Cujo's chair. (and a bunch of DELICIOUS bulligi!--beef)

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