Sunday, October 21, 2012

Real Ministry?

Often times I think people have a skewed view of who a missionary is and what a missionary does.  When people think of overseas workers they may think: "They like eating weird foods like grubs, kangaroo, shark stomach, and pig's head."

Then they may think, "They live in huts, have no running water, and have to save all their plastic bags because they don't have anything like that in (insert a country name).  They're the ones who are telling people about Jesus in unreached parts of the world."  Still others may think, "They're the ones who are constantly asking people for money, and they don't even do a real job."(hopefully this misguided group is a small one...)

As we work over here in Australia (or should I say, "Down Under?"), the definition of what a missionary is and what a missionary does eludes me at times.  Does it truly matter where we are on the globe?  Does it really matter what our climate is and what the wildlife look like?  What is the point of a missionary?
Aren't we called to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations?  Yes.  Are we called to bring others to Christ?  Yes.  Are we called to become like people we're trying to reach in order to be effective?  Yes.  Are these commands only for people who are "missionaries" in Australia, or Indonesia, or any other country?   NO.  Aren't these true for all Christians everywhere?

My prayer for every believer is that we realise God has made us with a specific purpose, and we have a part in His amazing plan to draw all men to Himself.  Where do we fit?  IN THE BODY OF CHRIST.  Are we all the same?  NO, praise the Lord!  But we've got to do the work God has laid before us to do, no matter what that looks like.  Not everyone is going to be heading to Australia to live in an indigenous community, learn a new language, and do workshops helping others to study God's Word in that language.  Not every believer is called to move to a new country to serve the Lord.  However, we are all called to make disciples.  We are all called to go and be witnesses.  We are all commanded to offer up our bodies as living sacrifices to God(which is acceptable).

What does that look like?  Well,(I ask myself) where has God placed me?  Who are the people around me?  Am I reaching out to them in a way that is relevant to them?  Am I using the gifts God has given me to bring glory to His name?  Am I doing everything I possibly can to bring glory to Him by helping others to know Him?

Oftentimes I feel unworthy, inadequate, like a failure, and a bit like nothing I do really matters.  However, according to God's Word, nothing done for him is a waste of time.  NOTHING.  I am not perfect, but I must continue to serve the Lord with all my heart--as imperfect and incomplete as my service may be--because He commands me to.  And because my life is not my own.  And aside from all that, what else is there for me, anyway?  Nothing.  Apart from Christ, nothing else matters.  And I will trust Him to take my broken, imperfect, incomplete work and make it useful, perfect, and complete.

What is "real ministry"?   I believe it's knowing exactly who our Master is, and fully submitting to His will, and teaching others to do the same.  More than that, to truly know Him, and to grow closer to Him every day--and help others to grow closer to Him as well.  The encouraging thing is, our Master is also our Father and He loves us, wants his best for us, and will walk with us and help us the entire way.  

1 comment:

Randall & Paula said...

How often have I said these words to myself? Time and time again we also counter the questions of whether we live in a hut in the Amazon jungle and scavenge for each meal.
I always try to explain that "all the world" does not just mean remote, uncivilized, under-developed areas. It mean ALL THE WORLD!
Thanks for having an open heart and following where God has led you to serve!