Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Prayers from a tired Daddy...

As I was praying with my daughter I had a thought.  How often do I simply pray, "Lord, please bless _______'s sleep.  In Jesus name, amen."  How often do I pray about things that really matter, in the hearing of my children?
  There are a lot of excuses I use when praying with the kids, "I'm tired."  "They don't need to hear me pray a long prayer..."  "I'm tired."  "If I get it done quick, then the kids can just go to sleep."  And at various times, these excuses are valid.
  But the question I ask myself is, "What am I modelling for my children?"  If the only time they see me pray is at dinner or before bed, what kind of example am I setting?  And when I pray, why not pray with them about things that are relevant to their lives, and Biblical?
  The reason we should be praying is because of our love for the One we are praying to:  our Father God.  I understand that God is different from our earthly fathers, but let's just think about something for a moment.  In "real life" if I just talked to my dad 2 times a day, and all I said was "Thanks for the food, and help me to sleep."  How strong would our relationship be?  And imagine if I never listened to him when he tried to tell me something.  I never listened when he told me he loved me; or I ignored his warnings to avoid trouble...and then I taught my children to be the same way (of course not on purpose, but by default.).
  How is the best way for me to model a loving prayer life to my children?   I know the answer, but it means work.    LOVE God.  Just like every relationship that's worth anything didn't just happen overnight, there is a daily struggle to spend time with Him, talk to Him, read His own letter to me(you know, THE BIBLE).  It seems to me the best way to model prayer, and model love for God is to actually love him and let the kids see it.  They will be able to tell by my life, and my love for God should overflow into my prayers.  It's easy to talk with someone you love, and it's not awkward.
  I hope yumob will pray for me in this regard.  Pray that I will be a faithful son who truly loves God, and searches for time to spend with Him--and that I teach my children to do the same.

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