Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First Wednesday Night Service!

Last night we had the first Wednesday night service here in Barunga! It went rather well. It was suggested by a couple of the ladies that the service was held at the basketball courts, rather than their home, because that was a larger area, and more public so more people might hear and come.

It started off with some singing,(a lot, actually!) then there was a devotion taught by one of the ladies, followed by more singing. There was also a special music surprise, as some girls from community had a choreographed dance to the song, "Open the Eyes of My Heart". VERY COOL! There were many kids present, so the ladies did action songs with them as well.

At one point, I counted the folks at the meeting, and there was over 20 people. Half of them kids, and half adults! That is HUGE because usually when we have the meetings at the church, it is only kids who come, and the ladies that attend the church(4 adults). Praise the Lord!
Something that really encouraged me was the "lack" of involvement I had in the entire service... I was just there to move the equipment and keep the dogs off the tea! :)

Thank you for your continued prayers for these ladies, their families, the church, and us. You are a blessing!

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