Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Prayer Adoption"

Just a quick note. As we have been settling in, and working with the church, I was thinking about how we can best continue to minister here. I had an idea... What if people from back home "adopted" a family here in Barunga who they could pray for on a regular basis? It would make the ministry a little more "real" for folks in the states, and it would be a blessing to the church here.
So, I talked with the church ladies and asked what they thought about this idea, and they said it was a good idea! Praise the Lord!
Here's how it will work:
1. Contact me for a family to pray for.
2. I will then give you the names of those folks, and prayer requests they have given me.
3. PRAY! And we can together watch how God answers, as well as build relationships with the people here.

If you're interested in "prayer adoption" just let me know. Thanks for praying about it!

God bless, Jared for all

PS Something to pray for in the immediate time being:
1. Please pray for a movie/homemade pizza night at the church here on the 25th. The church ladies will be sharing a Scripture before the movie, and then we will be watching "FireProof". It's the first time they've done something like this.
2. Please pray for me, (Jared) as I will be making the pizzas... It's going to be a blast, but a lot of work.
3. Please pray for Alice to heal up. She sprained her elbow falling off a chair on Sunday.
4. Please continue to pray for men in the church.

1. Praise the Lord for R.I.(Religious Instruction) going very well this past week. It was the first time the ladies have taken it over. They did very well, and will be going in turns to teach each week(2 ladies at a time).
2. Praise the Lord they are very interested in reaching out to their community!

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