Sunday, September 25, 2011


Today was an opportunity to serve. Here's a few pics. :)

Cheri was excellent. She made 3 salads, set the food up, made sure there was food for the BBQ for me to cook up. She also made a delicious homemade peanutbutter swirl cake. She wasn't expecting 40 people, but 30. She's amazing. There was a good mix of people: YWAM team, church ladies, all the grandkids... and our family.
Everyone was well fed, and it worked out just fine. The YWAM team sang 2 Kriol Scripture songs, which I put the music to. :) The Church ladies were blessed, and it was neat to be able to open our home to them, and after they all left, we took a nap! :)
Thank you for your continual prayers for our family. You're all a big blessing.

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