Saturday, September 3, 2011

Peoples is peoples, ya? Peoples is peoples. (Part 1)

That is one of my favorite quotes from "Muppets Take Manhattan" and it brings me to my favorite part of being here in Australia: PEOPLES! We have had the opportunity to sit with and get to know many people from all over the place, from the folks in Barunga to a cowboy from Queensland. I love sitting down with people and simply hearing parts of their story, and they seem to be willing to share with me! :)

I met Kevin in Western Australia at a rodeo. He rides cutting horses. It was his first competition, and he was a bit nervous. He's originally from Queensland, and did not grow up on a farm. He just wanted to be a cowboy. He let me know how the competition works. It was neat to talk with him.
John and Esther are Korean believers who are ministering at an RV park in Kunnunurra, WA (Western Australia). They were really great with our family, and put up with my Korean (the TEENY TINY bit I know!)
John and Jenna! These two are part of the Kriol team, and they have been a huge blessing to me. They have been very understanding of the American's cultural ways, and silly personality. They are currently stationed down south in Victoria, and will be moving up here in November(hopefully!)

Ewan and his wife Cathy were an encouragement to me. He is a new believer in Weemol, a community about 4 hours drive from Barunga. He invited our team to his house to share his testimony. He was very thankful for the teaching and thanked us for giving him "tools to share his faith" with his family.
Mick-o! Mick and his family hosted our team in their backyard while we were in Weemol. He is standing next to a freshly shot bullagi (bull) which he shared with our team for several GREAT meals. He, his wife and family were a big blessing to us. As you could guess by the photo, he's got a great sense of humor, too!

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