Saturday, February 4, 2012

Question from the Mullets:

There are so many things to blog about, and life continues to happen. Are there any questions you have regarding our lives here in Australia, snakes, bugs, our work with AuSIL, Wycliffe, our family...? Any questions you have we would love to help you with. Please just ask them and I'll do my best to address them. Thanks for all your prayers and support, we would not be able to do the work we are doing without all of your sacrificial giving and prayers. Each of you is a blessing to us, and a vital part of our team here. You are not forgotten, and we're deeply grateful for your partnership in the gospel with our family.

God bless, Jared for the Mullets

1 comment:

BeckyN said...

My question:
Have you been surprised at all by how God had prepared you uniquely for the task He's given you? How has God cultivated you and those around you for the work you are doing now? What difference does it make?
