Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Luk DVD!

What are these people doing at our house?

This evening was the first opportunity we had to share the Luk DVD in Kriol with the church here! Instead of our normal Tuesday Baibul Study, the ladies decided they wanted to watch the Luk DVD instead! :) The Luk DVD in Kriol is the Bible book of Luke in a movie format. In Kriol it is over 3 1/2 hours long, with 3 DVDs, so we watched DVD 1 tonight, and will continue watching the next 2 weeks(this is per the ladies' request! :) )

Thank you so much for all your prayers for us as we worked on this DVD and during all the editing, prompting, and production. Please continue to pray that this new movie would be an effective ministry tool and would draw men and women to Christ. Thank you! :)

This is only the beginning of sharing the Luk (Luke) DVD in Kriol. We will be traveling to many different communities to give it to churches and individuals that were involved, and hopefully setting up times to show it in the communities! We're very excited to see how God uses this movie to reach folks. May God be glorified. :)

AND on a lighter note, we discovered that NO ONE in our living room from Australia likes red licorice. Everyone was given a long red licorice(which a friend gave to us...from the states!), and all the kids handed them back to me--some licked, and others with a small bite out of one side... Oh well-- I got extra! A question one of the kids asked me was, "What does it taste like to you?" I said, "Cherry, sort of, I guess."


running4him said...

Hey great blog!!! Keep up the good work!!! You have an open invitation to follow my blog anytime you want!!! Have an awesome day!!!

demosthenes Valera said...

hey...yes what are that people doing in your house?