Sunday, September 22, 2013

Cam's in Darwin, where to next?

For all of  you who have been praying for us, and specifically for Cameron, thank you.  Today we were airlifted by CareFlight up to Darwin.  I have spoken to one of the doctors here, and the renal(kidney) ward here isn't sufficient for Cam's needs, because it's not focused on children.  So, in a matter of time(within the next day or so?) we will be leaving the NT and Cam will be flown to Adelaide, SA. (South Australia)
  We are waiting on his blood tests to come back to find out when exactly we'll be leaving, but the later it gets, the more it seems we'll be going tomorrow.  On a positive note, he did use the toilet today! :)  He hasn't used it since early EARLY this morning, which is a sign that something is very wrong with his kidneys.  He's a bit puffy in the face, and legs, because the water is being retained and not "flushed out"...bad pun?  maybe.
  Anyway, he needs help they can't give from Darwin as well as they can give it from Adelaide.  Thank you for your constant prayers.  Since we have friends on both sides of the world, I'm confident we've been covered nearly 24 hours a day with your prayers.  I think without them, we would have long ago lost hope.  If I sit long enough with my thoughts, and the "not knowing" I could let worry creep in.  HOWEVER, that is NOT the road we want to take. :)
  Cameron is in God's hands, as he always has been, and we will trust God with whatever may come.  Just because I haven't put it on the blog yet, Cam apparently has GLOMERULONEPHRITIS.  
  That means his kidneys aren't working properly.  Dangerous situation.  The doctor told me tonight that they may not know what is causing his kidneys to fail for quite awhile.  ...  Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement for our family and my boy.  
  I will be glad when this is all a memory of "Look how God brought us through this."  Until then, we truly covet your prayers and are daily encouraged to see how many people are raising Cam up to our Father in Heaven, who DEFINITELY has this under control.  Each of you are a huge blessing to us.  Thank you so much for your love and prayers.  We will continue to keep you all posted, and again, THANK YOU so much for all of your kind words, and help.    God bless, yumob!  Any friends in Adelaide?  It would be great to see you. :)


Jamie said...

Jared and Cheri,
Praying! What a testimony of faith you are to The Lord's provision and care over us. Thank you for trusting in HIM and letting everyone know it! I am praying for HIS steadfast strength and peace in you as He heals Cam

Unknown said...

Wish there was something I could do to help. I am praying for wisdom for the medical staff and strength for you.