Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Prayer Update from the Mullets! :)

To all the folks I was blessed to talk with on our visit back to the USA, it was a real encouragement to come back for a visit!  Thank you so much for your reminders that you're praying for us, and check this blog every once in awhile to see how we're going!  Here's a list of the different praises and prayer requests:

-Cheri is progressing in her mid-wifery studies and is half-way there to her degree!
-Jared is nearly finished with a graduate diploma in Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy education.
-Our kids are all healthy.  (for the most part!  Colds and other common sicknesses happen...)

-We have been blessed to continue our relationships with all the church folks out at Barunga.  The longer we are here, the stronger those friendships become.  My (Jared) favourite part of living here is building relationships with the folks around us.  Since we're living in Katherine, we see them 2 times a week (sometimes more).
-I've been working at Mission Australia for three years now, and have been offered permanent employment with them! :)  Up to this point it has been on a contract basis.  It is a blessing to know my job will continue even if our program ends, but as of right now, the program is going strong.

Prayer Requests:
-Please pray for continued growth in the church.  We live in a very transient area, and there are always people coming and going, especially in the dry season when the rivers aren't too high and flooding doesn't prevent travel between communities.  However, we have a great base of strong believers who want to see their community and their people come to the LORD. :)
-The Venndale outreach continues each Saturday.  While we were away in the USA, it went well, and for a couple weeks stopped, as there was no one to drive people out to Venndale!  When I got back to Venndale to teach, the students were asking me, "When are we having a service?  Are you and the olgamen (old ladies) coming this week?" Please pray for me as I prepare messages each week, and pray for the ladies as they build strong and lasting relationships with the people at Venndale.  Without them, this ministry would not be as successful as it has been.  Pray for health and strength for each of them.

-Please continue to pray for the men and women at the Venndale rehab centre.  We've now been going there for over a year as a church.  I was talking with one of the ladies who has been going out to Venndale nearly every week with us since the beginning, and she said she loves going out to Venndale to encourage the men and women, many of whom are her family through the skin system.  The people have specifically asked for "Nana" or "Auntie". :)  Praise the Lord for continued favour with the staff at Venndale rehab as well.

-Men and women come in and go out of Venndale on average of 3 months at a time.  After they leave Venndale, many return to their communities.  Please pray the gospel would spread through those who have returned to their communities, and God would continue to grow those men and women.  Also, please pray they would find their strength in Christ Jesus, and turn to Him when they are tempted to relapse.
-Pray they would find a strong Christian or church in their community where they can be encouraged, held accountable and built up.  In many communities, churches exist, but only meet sporadically, and may or may not have a pastor.  Going back to their communities without the proper support makes relapse common, but Christ can break the cycle!

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers.  The longer I am allowed to serve God, the more I see that it is only the Holy Spirit who can truly transform lives and change hearts, rescue the lost and hurting, and give lasting hope for the future.  Pray with us for God to be glorified in and through the ministry He has blessed us with.

By God's Grace Alone, Jared

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