Friday, October 8, 2010

A day in Katherine, and Deibid en Galaiyath

Today was a busy day. This morning we drove the 80 km to Katherine to do our shopping and errands while Alice was at school. This afternoon we had a great visit from a friend of ours from another mission.
This evening was BUSY as well. We weren't expecting it, but a "big mob biginini" came to our house this evening! Kids were running everywhere! So, I was able to talk with a couple of them (just short things..."What are you doing?" "You like the puppies?") and then I saw a Kriol story book we have at the house of David and Goliath! So, I sat at the kitchen table and read that story to a little kid! :) They listened and understood! AND WE EVEN TALKED A little bit! Praise the Lord. Thank you for your prayers for us!!

Goodnight! -Jared

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