Monday, November 1, 2010

Prayer Update! :)

Dear Prayer Partners,
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support of the ministry God has called our family to join in Australia. Without your prayers, I know things would not be happening as well as they are right now. There is much to praise God for, as well as much to pray about!
It is a blessing to have so many people regularly praying for our family, and very humbling as well. Thank you for serving with our family.

Praise God!!

1. We have been praying for a language helper to aid us in our Kriol learning, and a woman in a neighboring community has volunteered to help us one day a week!

2. Last Tuesday we had “smoke-o”(coffee break) at our house with the wekinmen(workers) of the community. We were expecting 3-4 people, but God brought the men! We ended up with 11 dirty cups! :) Praise God! We were also able to have a Kriol Baibul Study with the two ladies who came.

3. God has blessed us to live in this community. Our family is adjusting well here, and have really felt at home here. That is a HUGE praise.

Please Pray with Us:

1. From November 3rd-12th the Kriol Team is having a workshop called, “Sabi Mowa Blanga Godwei” or “Know More About God’s Way”. It’s adapted from the YWAM “SALT/BELT” course. Jared will be observing it for a couple of days during the second week. Please pray for the leaders of this course to teach clearly(in Kriol).
a. The non-indigenous leaders from our team are: John, Rachel, Margaret, and Lisa.
b. Pray for the indigenous folks to step into leadership positions, grow in their leadership abilities and in their walks with God.

2. Though we had a wonderful group last Tuesday, please pray for the same to happen each week. It is a great way to build relationships with the men in the community for Jared, and as they get to know us more, pray they would be interested in talking about God. Pray for Jared as he considers how best to use this “cuppateatime” for language learning and relationship building. Pray for us each Tuesday…(or Monday evening your time!)

3. Please pray for God to raise up men to lead in the church. The ladies of the church are wonderful, but God has called men to step up and take leadership! Pray for men to be drawn to Himself and begin following him with all their hearts.

4. Pray for Cheri and me as we continue to learn Kriol. Pray we would be diligent in our study and reading of the Kriol Baibul. Specifically, please pray for a good male friend for Jared to build a relationship with to learn Kriol. Living life with them and experiencing their traditional ways is a great way to learn the language, pray for those opportunities to present themselves to our family.

5. Please pray Bethany. She has not slept through the night for a long time. She comes into our bedroom every night at least once. This is wearing on us, and I’m sure it wears on Bethy too. Pray for good, deep sleep for Bethany.
Thank you so much for battling with our family through prayer.

Serving Together,

Jared, Cheri, Alice, Bethany and Cameron

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