Friday, December 10, 2010

Living Maturanka?

Yesterday was the last day of school for the kids. They are now on SUMMER HOLIDAY. This has been the longest summer of our lives.
To celebrate and have some good time as a family, we had homemade pizza for lunch(instead of dinner) and then drove 101 km to Maturanka Thermal Pool where the kids are fast becoming little fishes! As long as they have their arm floaties on, Alice and Bethany are getting more capable and brave in the water. Perhaps in a few months time they won't need them? We'll see. Cameron has a big floatie donut(you know the type--many of us grew up with them). It was an excellent time as a family, PLUS for a good amount of time we were the ONLY people in the whole pool! Awesome.
Aside from having a great time swimming, we also had a picnic. As we walked to the sitting area, Alice noticed an indigenous couple sitting at one of the tables, and she just walked over to them and stood by them(I guess considering whether or not to speak to them in Kriol). I thought, "Hey this would be a neat opportunity to try our Kriol out!" So, I greeted them and said(in Kriol), "Alice is learning Kriol, and she wanted to say hi." After I said that, the man asked me if I had a light, or cigarettes. When I told him no, I didn't, he asked me what my skin name was. It turned out that he and his wife are my "Dedi" and "Mami". So, as we were eating lunch, they talked to me. We talked about the funerals that were happening; he was from a community called Bulman, not too far from us (relatively speaking!).
Since he found out I was his "son" he asked if we had any food to give to him. We were able to share an orange, a sandwich, and some chips with him and "Mami". It was a neat opportunity, however, my favorite part was after we had finished and were getting ready to leave.
They knew we were Christians, and we had a Kriol gospel of Jon in the Cruiser, so we grabbed it. I went back up to the picnic area, and "Mami" was still sitting at the table. I told her I had a gift to give her, and asked if she knew how to read. She said, "Is it in English?" and I told her it was Kriol. She told me she knew how to read, and I think she was a little surprised it was in Kriol. :) I told her it was a book with a lot of stories about Jisas Krais, and said, "Maybe, if you want you can read it." She told me she would, and said, "Thank you, my baby." Please pray for that couple, that they would sit down and truly read that Kriol Gospel of John. Don't know if we'll ever see them again, but God knows them both by name, and now they have a portion of His Word. I wonder how God will use this opportunity? Perhaps we won't find out until heaven.
Thanks for your prayers for our family as we continue to learn Kriol and build relationships with the folks here. You are each a blessing to our family.

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