Monday, December 6, 2010

Out Bush Collecting Colors!! (Part 2 of 3)

We've been praying for the opportunities to spend more time with folks here learning Kriol and building relationships with them. I was given such an opportunity just yesterday. I was invited to go "out bush" with a man and woman to collect roots that would be boiled down to make dyes for making the pandanas different colors to make baskets. I'll explain more about what each of these are as you go out bush with me! :) Please keep your hands and legs inside the Cruiser at all times....until we get out! Let's go!

It's a bit of a drive to find the right trees and plants. Look out for green/yellow leaves.

Watch out for the Bullogi!
He seems to be interested in us, shall we get closer?

Okay, so maybe he's not that interested... We've got to watch out for Bullogi when we're collecting the roots for different colors. They can be dangerous(but only if you're foolish). Now, keep your eyes open for those trees... I think I see one!

This is the type of tree with yellow color roots.

Now we've got to dig around the base of the tree to get to the roots.

This is Alan (l) and Dinah (r). They're the ones with all the wisdom about where to go and where to find the different colors! :) Here they are digging up the yellow root.
Here's a bit of the yellow root. Dinah will boil many of these roots together to make the yellow dye used to color pandanas for baskets.

Now that we've found the yellow and collected enough to make the dye, we're off in search of the red root, pandanas and perhaps we'll find some other things on the way!

Look! Bush plums. When they're in season, they're really sweet and good to eat. We found a couple that were "cooked"(ripe) and ate them. YUM!
Dinah knows about a lot of the different bush plants, and their uses. This one she's pointing to is used to keep mosquitos away. When it's burned it gives off a smell they don't like.

I think I see something ahead. Dinah and Alan both know where the red is, and we're about to find out!Alan started digging under these plants, and then he humored me and let me have a turn too!Here's what the red root looks like! Isn't it cool how God made these different plants with such amazing color? Our God is AWESOME!
For the final part of our tour, we're going to collect pandanas. "What are pandanas?" Let's find out!Driving toward the pandanas, Alan pointed this out to me. It's the kind of trunk they use to make Digeridoos! I think it's been hollowed out by termites, and they chop it down and fix it up!The Pandanas!!!

Alan pulled them down from the tree using a hooked stick they cut off another tree. They are VERY sharp (thorns on three sides). Watching him work was neat!

After all of this excitement, I'm sure you're a bit tired, as were we! But it was a lot of fun, and a great opportunity to speak some Kriol, learn about culture, and build relationships!! Until next time... Bo bo! (Bye!)

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