Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Back to Darwin! :)

Cam has now had his vascath removed (the tubes in his neck used to plug him in to the dialysis machine).  Thank you for your prayers during the removal time.  No more dialysis. :)

Plus,  I talked to Cheri this morning and they are flying back to Darwin tomorrow!  Yay!  We're not sure how long he may have to stay in the hospital up there, I'm praying we can all come back to Katherine on Sunday. (Though that is just a hope from a dad/husband, not a doctor.)  Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support for our family during the last two weeks and beyond.  Can you believe it's already been two weeks?  Crazy.

All of your prayers and encouraging notes have been a blessing to our family and we are in awe of how God has reminded us we are not alone in hardship.  Our Christian family has been such a support to us.  Though we've been far from our relatives and family, God's Family has held us up and supported us.  Thank you for walking this challenging road with us.  Praise the Lord Cam is healing up! :)  May God bless you all.

Jared for the Mullets

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