Tuesday, October 1, 2013

We're in the Home Stretch!

Well, the plan was to take Cam's tubes out today, but as sometimes happens (or maybe usually?) things didn't go as planned.  So, Cam gets a rest, and they'll try taking the tubes out tomorrow.  Coming back to the NT could be very soon!  Much sooner than we originally expected.  If everything goes well, we may have them back by the end of this week.  That would be WONDERFUL. :) 
  Thank you all for your prayers for Cam and our family.  You're all a blessing.  It's amazing how much things have changed in just one week.  We are convinced it is due to God's mercy to us, and the thousands of prayers offered to Him on our behalf.  Praise the Lord! God bless, yumob! (y'all in Kriol)

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